Friday, 2 May 2008

Radiation Therapy - Week SIX


Time sure is flying these days! Here it is treatment number 23 with only 15 to go and I wonder where all the time has gone!

Don't get me wrong; I'm more than happy that the time is going quickly, I can't wait to see my daughter and grandchildren again.

On the other hand, it's strange that somehow life is speeding by while I desperately want to saviour every moment of every day ... so much more these days.

Every day for me now is precious!!

Once again my treatment went off without a hitch! The team who supervise my treatment are absolutely marvellous.

I've been wondering, just how I'm going to express my gratitude (adequately) when my treatment is over. I'm actually thinking of writing some prose or perhaps a poem - not sure yet!

Hmm... maybe a short play ...?

Who knows, I'll think of something!

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