Monday, 5 May 2008

Radiation Therapy - Week SEVEN


The Day that should not have BEEN.

Today, I arrived at the hospital as usual, about 45 minutes before my treatment was scheduled. As per my ritual, I made myself a cup of tea and sat down to chat to some of the other patients.

Lo and behold, one of the staff came out to meet me and said:

"You're not supposed to be here today"!!

To which I replied: "Yes I am"!

Well ... after some time, it turned out that we were both right!

I was correct in that this was indeed a scheduled treatment day for me; but apparently other (senior) staff had tried to ring me to tell me NOT to come in, as they were so far behind!

As sometimes happens, Linear Accelerator No.3 was down and being repaired. Therefore patients (the most needy) were being sent over to No.1 Linear Accelerator. I guess I was one of those chosen to be able to forgo today's treatment to facilitate the above.

With that settled, I was invited to get changed and wait and the staff would find a way to squeeze me in!

I had just settled back to wait my turn, when one of those 'over-efficient administrative types' approached me ...

Her first words were: "You're not supposed to be here today"!

I then attempted to explain what had taken place ... but 'super-efficient pencil-pusher extraordinaire' interrupted with:

"Excuse me, but the staff tried ringing you several times ... you shouldn't be here! They tired your home number and your mobile number. If you give us your contact numbers, the onus is on you to be available"!

To which I replied: "I'm sorry but they probably missed me at home because I leave early ..."

And then ... interrupting again:

"They would have tried your mobile several times. It's not good enough to have it off"!

Now that did it!
"Listen ... I've been very patient, but I received NO calls on my mobile, I'll go and get it if you like!!! I suggest you check your own records to see if you have the correct contact details before you start making unfounded accusations"!

Stomp ... stomp ... stomp ... faded the footsteps of Miss "I'm never wrong".

Shortly afterwards a somewhat apologetic figure approached me with a feeble attempt at an apology ... simply saying:

"It was our error ... we'll correct it".

And then a the rather disgruntled "Miss Not-so-efficient" ... toddled off into the distance ... never to be heard from again!

Oh, in case you're interested; my treatment went very well again today and the Onocologist said that my treatment was progressing perfectly! All in all a pretty good day!

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