Thursday, 22 May 2008

Radiation Therapy - Week NINE


Well today was the BIG day ... today I underwent a 'planning CT' (CT scan) as a precursor to further radiation treatment, this time on my chest!

It was quite a strange experience to be 'trussed up' on an 'incline board' hands and arms secured above my head - naked from the pelvis up!

But more 'strangeness' was to come!

Next I had a doctor drawing pictures of 'boobs' on my chest!

Stranger still these were then traced onto a sheet of clear plastic - no doubt to be preserved for posterity!!

I was told that I had 'breast buds' growing under my nipples and that this was the reason why my nipples were so sore.

A little weird, but it made sense, given that my testosterone production (assuming it was still happening) was 100% blocked and therefore the eostrogen that we all (male an female) have in our bodies was turning me, quite literally, into a female!!

I don't mind admitting, I was tempted to forego the treatment and be 'on hand' to 'breast feed' my grand daughter in Chile if needed ... imagine the possibilities!!

Well after all the planning was concluded; it was off for treatment number 35 ... leaving just 3 to go!!

No strangeness there, just more of the same that I had become so used to over the past couple of months or so!

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