I couldn't help but smile broadly as I walked into the hospital for the very last time! Approaching the reception area I reflected absent-mindedly on my very first day ...
It was Friday 20th February 2008; it was raining, cold, and late in the afternoon when we were ushered into the Radiation Oncologists office. We were greeted with not one, but two doctors ... THAT started me thinking!
From the very outset, Dr. T impressed me, as forthright, empathetic and very well versed in his chosen field. What really impressed me, was his willingness to talk about 'any matter at all' and to do so with sensitivity AND complete honesty.
[Too many doctors think they are doing the patient a service by 'gliding the lily' (glossing over certain details) to save them (the patient) any unnecessary concerns. But, I maintain that it is the PATIENT'S right to determine what is or isn't unnecessary in regard to the treatment on offer.]
Dr T and I 'clicked' that day and I knew that I was in the right hands!
So much had taken place since that far off day, 3 months and 1 week distant from the present!
Back to the present...
It seemed that everyone that I encountered that day had the broadest of smiles!
It was as though everyone knew how excited I was, that this day, had finally come. Then again ... my own 'beaming smile' may have been a catalyst for others ... who knows?
The staff attending the Linear Accelerator that day, it seemed to me, were particularly pleased to see me. Each of them in their own way, had been a BIG part off my life for (what seemed like) such a long time now. Many of these individuals had accompanied me through the entire journey.
I must admit to shedding a tear or two at the thought of not seeing these wonderful people again. But fortunately, my excitement soon 'took centre stage once again' and I was 'ready for anything'!
My treatment (as usual) went particularly well and before I knew it ... IT was all over!!
Gathering around me, the RT's that I had come to love and respect all took turns in congratulating me on arriving at a successful outcome!!
The room was so emotion-charged, that it was quite difficult for me to eventually 'break the mood' and move out into the outer room; it was like leaving family behind!!
As I passed by the 'computer station', one of my favourite RT's called out to me: "I saw you break into a great big smile, as soon the the 'beam' was turned off for the last time, congratulations and GOOD luck"!!
As I walked out of the hospital for the last time, my mind was awash with memories.
My emotions meantime threatened to overwhelm me; as the excitement of completing my treatment, the very treatment that I was convinced was going to save my life, finally began to 'sink in'!!
After saying my goodbyes and promising to come back one last time, just before flying out of Australia to our new home in Chile, I set off with a new 'bounce in my step' into the bright sunlight that awaited me, ready for whatever new challenge might come my way!
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