Saturday, 12 April 2008

Radiation Therapy - Week THREE


Today I received the results of my liver function test - courtesy of Nurse Judy! I had no sooner asked if she could contact the doctor for me and request them on my behalf; when PRESTO! There was Nurse Judy approaching me with a 'printout' of the results in her hot little hand!

Never one to disappoint, Nurse Judy had simply 'taken over the NUM's office'; used his computer to look up the results and sent them off to the nearby printer. That easy! I had been waiting 4 days for the doctor to contact me! There's nothing like knowing the 'go to person' for getting things done!!

Now after all that ... there was nothing outstanding about the results; so that's another one for the good guys!

The Radiation Treatment went well again today - no hiccups. The staff and I are becoming more like friends than a strictly professional, patient to health professional relationship.

I must admit I really enjoy their company and it certainly makes the daily treatment much more tolerable. In fact, all of the 'hands on' staff have been amazing; from the front desk (reception) to the Linear Accelerator team.

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