Well the results are in!
I received the results of my PSA and Testosterone levels a couple of weeks ago, but have been too busy/pre-occupied to post them! Just this morning, I had a gentle nudge from my niece Kathy and decided that it was time to post the results.
Firstly to recap; we were hoping for a PSA result that was very close to zero. Such a result would mean that I could discontinue the anti-androgen (and therefore reduce the number of side affects) but still continue the Zoladex implant for a further period - two to three years is recommended.
The Testosterone level too, it was hoped, would be very close to zero. This would confirm that the Zoladex was suppressing the testosterone nicely and therefore starving any cancer that may still be present.
A 'normal' reading for adult males in regard to Testoterone is: 2.8 to 8.0ng/ml. For an adult FEMALE, the range is: 0.06 to 0.82ng/ml.
My result ... 0.51ng/ml!!
I received the results of my PSA and Testosterone levels a couple of weeks ago, but have been too busy/pre-occupied to post them! Just this morning, I had a gentle nudge from my niece Kathy and decided that it was time to post the results.
Firstly to recap; we were hoping for a PSA result that was very close to zero. Such a result would mean that I could discontinue the anti-androgen (and therefore reduce the number of side affects) but still continue the Zoladex implant for a further period - two to three years is recommended.
The Testosterone level too, it was hoped, would be very close to zero. This would confirm that the Zoladex was suppressing the testosterone nicely and therefore starving any cancer that may still be present.
A 'normal' reading for adult males in regard to Testoterone is: 2.8 to 8.0ng/ml. For an adult FEMALE, the range is: 0.06 to 0.82ng/ml.
My result ... 0.51ng/ml!!
That means, I fit neatly into the 'normal' range for an adult female! Which explains a few things!! (Long term readers would be aware of the 'feminising affects of my meds).
But all is not lost, my result also puts me squarely in the range of a pre-pubescent male (7 to 12 years)!!
I've managed to turn back the clock!
Now before you scoff, such a proposition is not as fanciful as you might think - consider.
1) I no longer have any hair under my armpits!
2) My skin complexion is that of a pre-teen!
3) The hair ALL over my body (except on my head) is falling out!
4) The hair on my head is thickening and growing back!
5) My testicles are 'shrinking'!
I think you get the picture...
PSA level
The normal range of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in an adult male aged 50-60 years, is 0 to 3.5ng/ml. Remember, I started this battle against cancer with a PSA of 84.8ng/ml just 11 months ago!!!
Well my test showed a level of 0.66ng/ml, a negligible amount of PSA and an excellent result!
Coupled together, these results are a 'shot in the arm' in regard to my quest for a complete cure!! These tests will be repeated in early November and I expect a similar result.

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