Wednesday 20 February 2008

New Plan of Attack

After a lengthy discussion with my Oncologist, concerning the possible treatment options, the following regime was decided upon as representing the best possible outcomes:

  1. We will continue the Hormone Therapy, with the LHRH implants (Zoladex 10.8mg) every three months. This appears to be working pretty well but there remains some concern as to whether it is as effective as expected? I am scheduled to have another PSA test tomorrow; only this time, we will also test the Testosterone levels.

  2. Because the PSA level has not declined at a faster rate, it has been decided to introduce an anti-agonist (Anandron ie Nilutamide) as well. This will continue for some time concurrent with the LHRH Implant.

  3. I have been scheduled for an outpatient procedure, in which the Radiologist will insert several 'gold seeds' into the prostate. More on this procedure in my next post.

  4. Following this, there will be a recovery period of 24 hours and then a 'planning week' in which the Radiotherapy treatment is discussed and mapped out.

  5. I will most likely continue on the Hormone Treatment for at least 2 to 3 years. This then gives rise to the possibility of 'bone thinning' and so I have commenced a daily regime of Calcium and Vitamin D supplements.

  6. The Radiotherapy will consist of a precisely targetted (thanks to the gold seeds), high dosage of radiation being applied to the prostate. A lower dosage of radiation will also be applied to certain bones and organs within the pelvic region.

The Radiologist also pointed out: "we only get one shot at this and so we will plan to maximise our chances of a successful outcome". While the prognosis remains, 5 years; it is anticipated that I will enjoy many more years, given the (expected good) results.

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