Friday, 4 April 2008

Radiation Therapy - Week Two


Today we once again arrived early - it's often difficult to predict the traffic - and were rewarded, once again, with an early appointment as someone had just cancelled.

The procedure had to await the 'end of week' CT Scan which is used as an indication of how the treatment is proceeding. The Radiation Treatment once again went without a hitch. While lying on the 'bed' I mentally checked off ...

'Six down ... only thirty four to go'!

As can be seen below, there's not much in the way of 'reading material'!

Meanwhile outside there was quite a commotion. Nurse Judy, had commandeered our grand daughter and was busy showing her off to all the other staff! Not to be outdone, our grandson with a fan club of his own in tow, was introducing himself around the ward!

Mother and grandmother were left wondering what had just happened!

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